So I am back to plodding along in the snaffle bridle trying to figure things out again. I feel like I want to get Gadget a little softer in the bridle and just more honest in the connection.
I've been warming up by really separating my aids -- legs mean go, then half-halt means balance. I am really focusing on keeping my head back "in the headrest," maintaining pointy elbows, carrying my hands, legs at the girth, and giving the squeezing half halt and the release. The basics take so much thought to do well.
This week I really could feel how important it is for me to have the squeeze in the thighs in the collected canter. After he is warmed up, I can put pressure in my thighs (like squeezing toothpaste out of the tube) and get him actually powering from behind in the smaller canter. When I ride from the thighs, he is quieter and happier in the contact. If I try to kick him up to it, be bounces all over the place in the contact. I think this is because my seat is bouncing all over the place when I try to get that feel from the lower leg.
In other good news, Gadget's back is staying so nice and solid. I've been waiting for the flinch when I brush him with the stiff brush, but nada! I have learned so much over the last year about the correct connection and encouraging Gadget to be responsible for his own balance that has made a huge difference in both of us.
Unrelated to dressage, but I turn 30 tomorrow! Although some girls hate to say goodbye to their 20s, there is no love lost here. I think my 30s will be full of great things. First, it will be full of great times with friends and great shopping at Dressage at Devon!
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