I ordered myself a pair of euro-star plaid, blingy breeches from Smartpak that I have been drooling over for months as a gift to myself for my birthday. Can't wait for them to arrive. Hope they fit! (I keep meaning to drop this extra 10 pounds!)
Gadget gave me a little gift, too -- 6 flying changes with no bucks, leaps, or other acrobatics. Just changes. The key seems to be straightness (go figure). By collecting from the outside rein, cutting across the center of the ring and barely changing the flexion while giving half-halt on new outside rein, I got some nice changes.
Gadget gave me a little gift, too -- 6 flying changes with no bucks, leaps, or other acrobatics. Just changes. The key seems to be straightness (go figure). By collecting from the outside rein, cutting across the center of the ring and barely changing the flexion while giving half-halt on new outside rein, I got some nice changes.
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