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New Near, New Goals - 2019!


I usually love reviewing my goals, progress and dreaming up new goals for the coming year, but this year was a tough one with the loss of my dear Gadget. I read a great set of articles on the Chronicle of the Horse by Matt Brown about how to shift your thinking about goal-setting. He makes the argument against fixed, outcome goals and to instead set more of "growth mindset," process-oriented goals. 

And here's a link to the first article:  They are totally worth reading.

I think dressage requires a strong focus on the "process" and I've always enjoyed thinking about the little things that build to success. However, I will totally admit to being outcome goal driven. I love setting specific score goals and even the goal of mastering a movement. Just as Gadget taught me lots of humility and patience, Iggy is going to drive those lessons home in a whole new way of having a shiny, new toy that does not follow the typical user's manual. So with an improved perspective, I'll review 2018 goals and set some new ones for 2019.

2018 Goals

1. Work on strengthening and balancing Iggy's big canter. His canter is amazing, but it's so big that he seems to lose his balance and still swap around a bit. I'm hoping with time and consistency this will improve.
Check!  Although I totally thought I'd have this nut cracked by the ringing in of 2019, we have definitely made a lot of improvement. But still heaps of room for improvement, so some form of this goal will remain on the list next year.

2. Get Iggy to his first horse show! I can't wait to start showing him. I really want to make it a positive experience and give him some perspective of the structure of a show. It will be fun!
Check! We made it to a schooling show and a big recognized two day show at Morven Park. Iggy was very well behaved, even if he was a bit overwhelmed by all of the horses. Goal will definitely be to get Iggy out more next year with other horses and continue to build his confidence in those settings.

3. Expose Iggy to different places. Hopefully we get to lots of show grounds and that I have the bravery to take him across the stress to our big hayfield. I'm going to try to embrace as many opportunities to get him out and about as I can.
Check! On Gadget's 15th birthday, I hacked Iggy out in the big hayfield for the first time as tears streamed down my face. Iggy doesn't love the hayfield yet, but I think he will eventually. He has been to several different barns for clinics and two shows. This goal will stay on the list next year too, to have more play dates with baby Iggy.

4. Take my time and enjoy him! He is so incredibly sweet and so talented. I wanted to enjoy the journey and let Iggy enjoy it too!
Check! I have to remind myself not to get caught up in what we can't do and focus on all of the wonderful things that come so naturally to Iggy. He is sensitive, smart, and so so sweet. I am hoping he keeps his curiosity and friendliness as he ages. I am also hoping to keep building the "can do" attitude in him. He can be a bit opinionated about the leg or whip, so I am hoping that with some time he will take on the volunteer attitude from the light leg and touch of the whip.

5. Get Gadget sound and keep him sound. I am actually scared for him. The infection has now been active for over a month and he has been unsound. Praying that he recovers fully.
6. Nail the tempis in the showring. Pre-injury, I could get tempis at home consistently, but they still escape me in the showring. I'm hoping to change this. It means keeping him consistently in front of my leg!
7. Try the I-1. I cannot even believe I am typing that. But Ryan keeps telling me this is the year, so I'm adding it as my "reach" goal. 
Obviously, this is heart-breaking to reflect on the goals I set for Gadget even while he was hospitalized last year. I have thought of him every day since I lost him and say many silent prayers of thanks for the years that I was lucky enough to have him. 

8. Get myself healthier! I still need to lose at least 10 pounds and I'd love to lose more to feel good in my breeches. 
Partial Check. I started Pilates in January 2018 and I am loving my weekly classes and how it makes me feel. Weight watchers also helped me lose 13 pounds. I've gained some back since falling off of the wagon in the fall. I know with consistency it will come back off, so this goal goes back on the list.

For 2019, here a few more goals for me and Iggy:

1. Expose Iggy to more situations with multiple horses (especially drafty horses), so he can build his confidence.

2. Continue working to fine tune my position -- quiet my legs on Iggy's big trot, steady my hands, and find the solid core to help Iggy through his unbalanced moments. 

  • Lessons with Robin are really helping my position. 
  • I also would like to add in some no stirrup days.
3. Take Iggy to some horse shows to have fun and help him get used to the routine whether we have a solid canter or not.

4. Continue schooling to strengthen canter and help Iggy maintain his leads.

  • School canter loops and counter-canter.
  • School walk turn on the haunches to get control of haunches.
  • Introduce some shoulder in and haunches in at the canter.
5. It feels strange not to have a goal to "move up to the next level." So I will say that Iggy feels pretty comfortable doing everything at first level and is schooling most of second level at this point, but I am not confident that we can complete a training level test at a horseshow without changes. So I'm not setting a goal to show at a certain level. I'm hopeful to just keep improving.

6. Most importantly, I am hoping to have a happy and healthy young horse who keeps the sparkle in his eye through the work. We'll have lots of fun days this year too with hacking, baby jumps and cavaletti.

I think this is going to be a good year!



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