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July 2017 Ryan Clinic

So I had a terrible ride on Friday before the clinic. I started with playing with halfsteps on the ground before the ride, and Gadget was not in the mood. I had watched a youtube video to try to make the steps more on the spot and do a few steps rein back to get the horse on the haunches. Gadget gets fairly pushy during halfsteps, so I thought this would be a good idea. Wrong. He was so frustrated by not moving forward that he just opted to buck or rear. I gave up and moved outside to ride.

I think we just couldn't shake the negative beginning and we just could not get on the same page. After a good stretch and attempting a few exercises, I called it quits. I am at least proud of myself for just ending the session and saving him for the weekend instead of trying to make a point.

So on Saturday, I really didn't know whether Gadget would still be holding a grudge or sore from his antics. Lucky for me, he felt fine, if not a touch tired. He spent the night turned outside, so a bit tired is to be expected. We warmed up normally and then went to canter on the quarterline really focusing on straightness and collecting. We moved to the working pirouettes exercise of riding the diagonal line, then turning a step, forward a step, etc. This has been a hard exercise at home, but today Gadget gave me a really good feeling. To the left, I need to be steady on the right rein and soft on the left. He stayed in a very small canter, but it needs more jump. I also need to stay soft in my seat on the inside and give him a lace to step up. To the right, I still need to keep the right rein and soft on the left. Gadget has better balance and strength on this side. And he was more accepting of the pressure to hold him on the spot and still push him for activity -- so cool!

Here's a clip:

I told Ryan that I am struggling with tempis at the shows, and he helped me school the single changes in a way that will eventually improve the tempis. Number one issue is that the left changes are a half a stride later than I ask. Ryan said I am holding too much in my left rein. No surprise there as that has been a habit I've fought for years. So in asking for left change, I am to strongly halfhalt the right rein, and give the left rein, then ask. This got some big lovely single left changes.

Exercise to improve left change:

  1. canter down longside to left
  2. leg yield away from track toward quarterline
  3. flying change to right lead
  4. strongly half-halt the right rein
  5. Give the left
  6. small balance bump from the left leg
  7. then ask for the left lead with right leg
  8. (this all needs to happen together at once!)
Gadget needs to get where the left lead and left change become effortless again. Definitely left this clinic with a lot of homework. Hopefully I'll be able to work through these issues.


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