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Not all Trainers are Created Equal

I am two weeks away from my first show of the season, and I have not shown my 3-3 test to anyone yet. Feeling a bit nervous about this, I contacted a local trainer back from Florida to see if she could work with me a couple times this weekend to help me improve my test. The lesson was very frustrating and very discouraging. I think I have been very fortunate to ride with some really talented trainers who are also great communicators (namely Kenny, Kristin, and Ryan). These trainers have a way of making even very challenging rides feel positive and upbeat. It's some sort of magic that they know just the ride words and exercises to transform Gadget in each lesson into a better horse than the day before. Even when I fail to get an exercise, I feel that each of them is quick to praise the right reaction and encourage me that we will get it.

Yesterday, Gadget actually felt good in the warm up. However, he felt worse as the lesson went on and we weren't able to really supple or work through any forward exercises. Also, I was surprised that the trainer basically had a very negative view of my riding and said she didn't think I'd be able to move Gadget up without some serious work. During the lesson, we did a lot of standing and listening and very little riding. After the lesson there were many other negative digs that rattled through my head all day yesterday. I had planned and scheduled to ride Saturday and Sunday with her, but last night I decided that there is no use getting beat up again without any help to improve, so I cancelled.

I was genuinely surprised to receive such a negative lesson. As we started the lesson, I explained many of my position challenges and my riding challenges with Gadget. I was quick to offer that my left leg is too far back and right leg too far forward. I tend to become too immobile on the right rein. My right arm has a mind of its own that I am trying to fix. Meanwhile I explained that Gadget's canter is a real challenge for me and I have a hard time getting the correct uphill feel. However, when other trainers point out these problems, they do so in a constructive manner. It's hard to describe the difference, but I could really feel the difference yesterday. 

I think there are some trainers and students that just don't click. It's not worth letting someone steal my joy and confidence for a lesson. I think I am going to stick with videoing some of my rides at home prior to the show to try to fine tune some of our work. 


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