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2013 Goals

As the year winds to an end, I start thinking of my goals for next year. Some goals are almost too tentative to speak aloud, so they usually end up on legal paper in my desk drawer.  

In 2012 I was able to check off the goals I set early in the year:

1. Confirm 2nd level
2. Achieve 2 scores of 60% at second level (We got both scores in June at one show)
3. Win year end award at second level (WPDA Reserve Champ)
4. Confirm flying changes (They are not perfect, but he understands the aids)

Some of these were achieved by the skin of our teeth, but it's good enough for me.

For 2013, I'm a bit conflicted. I do not want to show at 2nd level because I want to continue regularly schooling the flying changes (and because I now hate 2nd level). Although Gadget should be able to listen to my aids for the counter canter and simple changes without anticipating the flying changes, it will still require me to stop schooling the changes before each show. Although I don't want to show 2nd, I'm not sure we will be ready to show 3rd by this summer. The canter halfpass is still very tentative. The trot halfpass needs engagmeent and power. The flying changes need more time, more consistency, more everything.

With all that in mind, I still want to make it the goal to show at 3rd level this year. It may not happen, but that is what I am going to work toward the rest of this winter. I can re-evaluate, if necessary, in the Spring.


1. Compete at 3rd level
2. Earn USDF Bronze Medal (2 scores of 60%+ at 3rd level)
3. Improve collected canter
4. Solidify flying changes
5. Achieve WPDA year end award



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