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Showing posts from October, 2017

September Clinic, WPDA Adult Clinic, and Devon

I have fallen into the bad habit of not updating this blog, but I think it's been because things have been going relatively well (touch wood). September was a wonderfully horsey month for me. I rode with Ryan the second weekend of the month and had very good rides on both horses. Gadget felt stiff but actually gave me some very good work. I had a breakthrough ride on Iggy just before arriving at the clinic, so I was able to confirm that we were still on the right path. I realize that by riding Iggy's canter more forward, he will stay more balanced and less likely to lose his lead or swap leads. It is completely common sense, but I think it took a bit of bravery on my part and strength on Iggy's part to figure this out. At the Ryan clinic, we positioned Iggy with a bit of flexion and bend to the right going both directions. He is weak on that side, so tends to drift or lean that way. This positioning makes him stand up on that shoulder and helps me keep him straighter. ...