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Showing posts from July, 2017

July 2017 Ryan Clinic

So I had a terrible ride on Friday before the clinic. I started with playing with halfsteps on the ground before the ride, and Gadget was not in the mood. I had watched a youtube video to try to make the steps more on the spot and do a few steps rein back to get the horse on the haunches. Gadget gets fairly pushy during halfsteps, so I thought this would be a good idea. Wrong. He was so frustrated by not moving forward that he just opted to buck or rear. I gave up and moved outside to ride. I think we just couldn't shake the negative beginning and we just could not get on the same page. After a good stretch and attempting a few exercises, I called it quits. I am at least proud of myself for just ending the session and saving him for the weekend instead of trying to make a point. So on Saturday, I really didn't know whether Gadget would still be holding a grudge or sore from his antics. Lucky for me, he felt fine, if not a touch tired. He spent the night turned outside, so ...

Iggy Gets a New Saddle!

Baby horse brag- just did at least 10 saddle changes and test rides while testing saddles and Iggy was a star! ⭐️ No lunging and he stood for moving stirrup leathers each time (in the heat with the flies pestering him). He was actually the best he's ever been. He offered the canter and stepped right into it each time (instead of trying to rush). I think he appreciated being in saddles that fit! ❤️ Picture is of Iggy in Gadget's saddle, but we'll have pictures of him in his own. soon!

Schooling the Tempis and Pirouettes -- Work in Progress July 2017

Gadget and I went to the VADA dressage show in Leesburg, VA with some friends a few weeks ago, and it was not quite the experience I expected. He has been feeling so reliable at home, so I was hopeful that I would get that in the ring. However, the PSG still proves to feel disconnected once I get in the ring. I have been practicing riding the pirouettes bigger at home to gain control of each step. I think this has been a great startegy (thank you, Ryan!), but I failed to close them up in the tests. I guess bigger is still better than spinning. However, the biggest buggaboo is the darn tempi changes. I think coming out of the pirouettes, I don't get Gadget back in front of my leg and straight before the tempis. Anyway, I only had one line with the correct count through the whole weekend. So frustrating, when we can clock them off fairly easily at home!  Over the last couple weeks, I've been unsure how to school to fix these issues. Afterall, the tempis feel pretty good at ho...