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Showing posts from September, 2016
I am so behind on this blog! After my wonderful first outing at PSG in July, I hurriedly looked for another competition this season where I could try to earn my last score for my silver. The week before the next competition, I really struggled to get Gadget connected and the changes felt like a mess. I found out that Gadget had been off of his previcox for about ten days. If there was any doubt in my mind that it was making a difference, it was quickly dispelled by the difference I can feel when he is not on it. I gave him a couple days off, did one more light schooling ride and off we went to the show. I really thought I would get my last score for my silver at this show. Yet, even though I didn't have the rides that I expected, I had such a great time at the show. I've learned that who you show with and their attitudes really make such a huge difference. I stabled with my favorite group of ladies, and we were all chasing scores toward silver or gold medals or toward judge...