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Showing posts from February, 2016

Gifted Scholarship -- Lessons 4-5 -- When Not Everything Goes as Planned

Lesson 4 --  When a Difficult Lesson is the Lesson you Need Gadget spent two weeks with Kristin riding him and she said she was so happy with his attitude to come out and give it his best every day. Even work that is hard for him, he would absolutely throw his heart into it. It feels great to work with a trainer that appreciates that quality in him and knows not to ask too much of him because of it. POSITION -- RIGHT SHOULDER BACK After 10 minutes walking, we warmed up in a forward rising trot. Right away Kristin made me accountable for my position. I twist to the left, so she really had me focus on taking my right shoulder back and loosening the left to come forward a bit. I also kept my reins short with my hands in front of my body (but not up) and staying on the front of my seat. After the loosening work, we decided to revisit the shoulder-in and half-pass. As Kristin said, once I learn to control the shoulders and keep myself and Gadget straight, the pirouettes, t...