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Showing posts from April, 2014

A late throwback Thursday post - First Dressage Show with Gadget

With all of the throw back Thursday posts on facebook, I started looking through some of my old pictures and videos. I found videos from my first recognized dressage show, which was also Gadget's  very first show at Grand Haven. I planned to ride all training level tests, but when my good friend had trouble on Friday with first level, I gave her two of training level spots and took two first level spots. The improvement from day one and day two shows that my nerves were probably playing a huge part in Gadget's performance, but it's so neat to look back and think how far we've come since 2010. (The narration from my coach at the time is pretty funny too.)

shoulder-in -- what works

I'm still trying to figure out to ride Gadget up and not lock up his neck in certain movements. Our nemesis is the shoulder-in currently, particularly to the left. So hard for me to remember how to not screw up everything about the shoulder-in. What seems to work: Do not pull back! Position lightly and keep hands up (like puppeteer). Move  shoulders first, but do not let him lean on your hands Remember to keep legs wrapped around to keep him stepping Keep seat moving - think of bouncing and actually pushing with the seat a little more. This also keep my hands/elbows a bit looser

Yay! Good rides!

I finally feel like I am getting back into the swing of things. Last week Gadget was acting sluggish and generally unenthused about any of his work - even his changes, which always perks him up. This week, we are both working so much better. I put him back in the double and decided to really work on getting him more uphill. I, unfortunately, can't really tell whether we look like a saddlebred or a dressage horse, but it feels better. I figure I can always make him a bit rounder once he learns to carry his own head. He still likes a lot of contact in the snaffle, but about halfway through the rides, he becomes softer and more through. I've been able to work him outside the last couple days, which makes all the difference in the world for both of us. Yesterday, he was full of himself and he basically blew through my aids. I was sharing the ring with a hunter rider, two ladies picking stones from the ring, and about 15 jumps. I decided it wasn't the day to pick a fight. So ...