Gadget had his first chiropractic appointment on the Thursday before the clinic while I was out of town for work. The chiropractor is a vet and his findings were very accurate to what I and every trainer has identified as points of tension. The one extra finding was the tension in Gadget's face from an old fracture. The chiropractor said he believes that Gadget probably gets headaches. This absolutely broke my heart. He recommended massage for that area of his head, which I now do religiously every day. My poor baby.
Anyway, I rode the next day and had the most amazing ride. He felt soft and so steady in the contact. It was unreal. I can only think that the chiropractor must have made a great difference in how he felt.
On Saturday, I loaded up and headed to the Ryan Yap clinic without my sidekick, Hani. Of course when I don't have the best videographer in the world, I have the best rides in the world. I may be exaggerating slightly, but I definitely had a soft and happy horse and some great break through moments for me. Ryan really worked on the 10 meter canter circles with me and keeping him absolutely active in the canter. We did lots of transitions between smaller trot and bigger trot to get him him active in the trot. Ryan introduced 8 meter trot circles to us, and we will add those to our routine. After Gadget was working very well through his back, Ryan told me to think of making Gadget's trot bouncier after collecting him. By thinking of making it a bit bouncier, I was able to add more activity and looseness.
One of the biggest things that I learned was in the second lesson. Gadget was a bit stiff on the second day, but after bit of long and low work he felt great. We spent a good bit of time on the flying changes in this lesson and Ryan pointed out that Gadget is not quick enough in his changes. I have felt this and Kristin has also pointed this out, but I have never focused on this problem in a lesson. Ryan had me work on the quarterlines and ask for the change, then when I get no response, take leg off, and give the aid again. He also showed me how far back I am moving my leg to ask for the change. I need to keep my leg more under me and use a firmer aid (and use the spur) to ask for the change. By the point of the lesson that my brain finally understood the changes, horsey and I were too tired to really get the best result.
However, within days of going home and experimenting with the ask, leg off, ask again, I am getting amazing, quick changes. I am so impressed! I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner.
At the end of my lesson, I also thanked Ryan for all of the guidance he has provided in bringing Gadget and me along. The progress is really amazing. I have been working with Ryan since May of 2011, and I feel like I have learned so much. (I also have a couple other wonderful trainers that have greatly contributed to my success in many ways, but I'll save those for another post. :))
Anyway, I rode the next day and had the most amazing ride. He felt soft and so steady in the contact. It was unreal. I can only think that the chiropractor must have made a great difference in how he felt.
On Saturday, I loaded up and headed to the Ryan Yap clinic without my sidekick, Hani. Of course when I don't have the best videographer in the world, I have the best rides in the world. I may be exaggerating slightly, but I definitely had a soft and happy horse and some great break through moments for me. Ryan really worked on the 10 meter canter circles with me and keeping him absolutely active in the canter. We did lots of transitions between smaller trot and bigger trot to get him him active in the trot. Ryan introduced 8 meter trot circles to us, and we will add those to our routine. After Gadget was working very well through his back, Ryan told me to think of making Gadget's trot bouncier after collecting him. By thinking of making it a bit bouncier, I was able to add more activity and looseness.
One of the biggest things that I learned was in the second lesson. Gadget was a bit stiff on the second day, but after bit of long and low work he felt great. We spent a good bit of time on the flying changes in this lesson and Ryan pointed out that Gadget is not quick enough in his changes. I have felt this and Kristin has also pointed this out, but I have never focused on this problem in a lesson. Ryan had me work on the quarterlines and ask for the change, then when I get no response, take leg off, and give the aid again. He also showed me how far back I am moving my leg to ask for the change. I need to keep my leg more under me and use a firmer aid (and use the spur) to ask for the change. By the point of the lesson that my brain finally understood the changes, horsey and I were too tired to really get the best result.
However, within days of going home and experimenting with the ask, leg off, ask again, I am getting amazing, quick changes. I am so impressed! I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner.
At the end of my lesson, I also thanked Ryan for all of the guidance he has provided in bringing Gadget and me along. The progress is really amazing. I have been working with Ryan since May of 2011, and I feel like I have learned so much. (I also have a couple other wonderful trainers that have greatly contributed to my success in many ways, but I'll save those for another post. :))
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