I've been in a bit of a slump since the last show. I had a great clinic with Ryan, but I didn't feel like I was riding my best or getting the best work out of Gadget. Ryan remarked that the flying changes are looking better, which was good to hear. I sometimes forget that it wasn't very long ago that Gadget would crow hop, get very crooked, or generally bounce around to change. Now, he gives me fairly quiet changes when I ask. They are sometimes a few strides later than I would like, and the left change is sometimes late behind. However, they are overall getting much better. This week I looked back at my videos from May and realized that I need to be riding Gadget more up and asking him to carry himself. With that in mind, I started my ride on Friday with a really long warm-up focusing on keeping him up and getting him forward and reactive to the leg. I also focused on not holding the left rein and generally asking with soft, squeeze and release half halts. This made suc...