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Showing posts from June, 2013

Ride up, soften the hands, and keep going!

I've been in a bit of a slump since the last show. I had a great clinic with Ryan, but I didn't feel like I was riding my best or getting the best work out of Gadget. Ryan remarked that the flying changes are looking better, which was good to hear. I sometimes forget that it wasn't very long ago that Gadget would crow hop, get very crooked, or generally bounce around to change. Now, he gives me fairly quiet changes when I ask. They are sometimes a few strides later than I would like, and the left change is sometimes late behind. However, they are overall getting much better. This week I looked back at my videos from May and realized that I need to be riding Gadget more up and asking him to carry himself. With that in mind, I started my ride on Friday with a really long warm-up focusing on keeping him up and getting him forward and reactive to the leg. I also focused on not holding the left rein and generally asking with soft, squeeze and release half halts. This made suc...

We Won!!

Gadget and I made our official debut at third level at a recognized show on June 7-9 at the Grand Haven show. The weather was cold and rainy when we arrived on Thursday and stayed that way until Sunday. Despite the nasty weather, Gadget warmed up beautifully on Thursday evening in the indoor arena. All of my changes were clean, there were no changes in the counter canter, and Kristin gave us great advice to improve the shoulder-in and halfpass. I need to start schooling these with way more bend, then I can regulate it in the test. On the first day of the show, I didn't get him through for my first test of second level test three. It didn't feel fluid or like we were on the same page. This is normal for our first test at every show. I have no idea how to fix it. We scored a 59.7 and placed 5th. About an hour later, I was set to ride third level test one. I was the very last ride of the day. Gadget felt tired in the warm-up, but I got his neck and back softer. The rings were q...

Late May 2013 post

So Gadget is back home from bootcamp with Kristin. I'm not sure if it was bootcamp for Gadget or me as it has become clear that most of the problems are actually mine! Kristin has been working him in the double bridle, and he feels great. He really likes a lot of support in the snaffle. I have to remember to keep him active then carry him up into an even contact in the snaffle. During my lessons with Kristin, my right canter halfpass has disappeared. It was there the week before the schooling show, but now it's gone! Kristin has me think of haunches in, then move the shoulders. I have always ridden it by pointing the shoulders then bringing the haunches. Regardless, I couldn't do it any way, shape, or form in the last three lessons. Thank God I am not riding a test that requires canter halfpass at Grand Haven! The quality of the trot and canter connection and self-carriage have improved dramatically. Now I need to practice riding my tests with this new feeling. I am ri...