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Showing posts from July, 2016

WE DID IT! PSG, Baby!!

We did it! Gadget and I officially made the jump to Prix St. Georges. I felt so incredibly nervous and rode terribly in the warm-up until Kristin literally coached every step to get me to relax and ride the way that I know how. Our first test felt good! I got the fours, but blew the threes. The left pirouette was fairly good, and I got a 6. The right pirouette was way too big (judge described it as "huge.") Overall, I felt like I belonged there. I had lots of mistakes that were purely from inexperience. For instance, I rode the 8 meter trot voltes way too big and lots easy points there. I also let some of Gadget's changes get late after the halfpasses and pirouettes. We ended up with a 58.9% from a tough judge, so I was thrilled with that score for our first test. The next day I felt much more relaxed and the warm-up went well. I nailed my threes and fours in the warm-up. We cantered down centerline just as lightning struck. I was told to dismount in the ring...

Overdue Update - July 2016

It's been so long since I have updated this blog! As a bit of an update, I finally ventured out and tried 4-2 and 4-3. The tempis are still a bit of a crapshoot due to my timing, but overall, both tests are totally doable for me and Gadget. I have been having really amazing clinics with Ryan Yap. He has really helped me simplify my aids and make Gadget sharper. After a little basic stretching warm-up, we move into tons of quick transitions, in which he must given me an immediate reaction. It doesn't have to be the correct answer (if he canters instead of trotting, he still gets a "good boy!"), but he must give a reaction. This is so basic, but so important. It has, once again, improved our tempi changes. Now I just need to stay straight and ask for the changes at the right time, and we mostly get them! The pirouettes have also really come a long way. Ryan rode Gadget last month for the first time in many years, and it was amazing to see. He really schooled the ...