Gadget and I are still plugging away at the basics and throwing in movements when he feels good. Working on the connection and making sure I don't drop the connection through transitions, corners, etc. has been a challenge and has really resulted in an improvement in his way of going. We had a break in the weather last weekend with temperatures in the high 30s and low 40s, so I was able to ride outside on Saturday and Sunday. Gadget and I are kindred spirits in our love of riding outdoors. He has been working well in the indoor, but he hasn't had a real pep in his step. Riding him in the large outdoor jumping arena made a huge difference! I have been working nearly exclusively in the snaffle, and I'm really amazed that I have so much more feel in it than I used to have. The first day outside, I was probably a little greedy wanting to work on everything that we could while I had Gadget's enthusiasm and the soft, moist footing. We warmed up focusing on connectio...