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Showing posts from October, 2012

October Ryan Clinic

Last weekend I had another clinic with Ryan, and I rode all three days for the first time. Friday, Gadget felt forward, light and happy. Even Ryan remarked how he was happy in the contact and working well. It was a bit of an ordeal to make it to a 6:45 ride time aftr work, but totally worth it. We did forward and back in the trot, but later moved into a new exercise to get him softer in his back. At the trot or canter, take Gadget deeper and rounder. Half halt him back on the outside rein to try to sit on his haunches, then send him very forward and then half halt back again. This doesn't sound earth-shattering or new, but because Gadget is lower and rounder, it really helps get his back swinging. Ryan said he would use this exercise about 3/4 through the ride when Gadget starts to get a bit stuck. Here's a clip of this exercise from the end of our ride: Saturday was a cold, wet day and neither Gadget and I put in our best performances. I don't have any video of the ...

ups and downs

So lately I've had a mix of really good and really bad rides. Last week I watched some Lilo Fore clinic videos on, and I tried to ride with her words in my mind. Particularly, she would say to half-halt then be quiet with the hands. Also, hands forward. She wanted a powerful trot, but not quick and she emphasized the reactivity as being very important. Last Sunday I had a wonderful ride with all of this information in mind. When Gadget would get stiff in the jaw, I would gentle flex left and right. I was able to ask for canter, let him develop a rhythm, then insist that he not make the canter bigger. It was a combination of soft half-halts on the outside rein, and some collecting seat aids. (I don't really know how to describe what it is i do to collect with my seat. I try to sit up and think of almost lightening my seat.) I had great canters both directions that felt round, rhythmic, and balanced. I was able to get some great flying changes and really good half-...

October 6, 2012 ride

Work has picked up for me with more traveling lately, so Gadget has not had the daily, consistent work that I would like. However, the little bit of down time seems to have come at the right time. My last few rides have felt really good. Maybe he needed a few days off. I am finding a collected canter that feels strong, 3-beat, and balanced. I usually find it toward the end of the ride when I begin to really sit in and use more upward-thinking half-halts on a small circle. I am flexing softly left-right to unlock his jaw, then asking him to step up. He is staying soft in the neck and maintaing a nice canter rhythm. With more strength, this may be the collected canter I need for 2nd level. I'm interested to get Ryan's feedback in a couple weeks. The weather was crisp and beautiful today, so I rode in the jumping arena outside today. After warming up lightly in all three gaits, I started asking for flying changes while changing directions in different places. Gadget gave...